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"Timeless Friendship Through Sisterhood"

The sisterhood of alpha Kappa Delta Phi provides women with a sense of belonging that nurtures life-long friendships, develops self-empowered leaders, and strengthens communities through service, scholarship, and Asian-Awareness. 



The aKDPhi sisterhood establishes a sense of belonging that nurtures life long friendships, unforgettable memories, and supports a lasting network of self empowered leaders who continue to uplift each other long after graduation.


Our collegiate years are an intense period of learning and growth. aKDPhi sisters spend this time surrounded by a diverse group of their peers, learning from and alongside women with different backgrounds, histories, and personalities, helping to shape them into respected, confident leaders.


aKDPhi sisters elevate each other and their communities through compassionate, purpose driven leadership that ensures diversity, encourages innovation, and promotes collaboration. They participate in a number of activities that encourage the growth and development of their leadership skills. 


Chi Chapter is known as the creator of invASIAN, a philanthropy event held with the goals of trying to break the chains of social stigmas that Asians can only be successful in the STEM field. This event allows Asian Americans to fully express themselves creatively in the fine arts field. Their amazing talents such as dancing, singing, poetry, and videography creates a sense of enlightenment and inspiration in the Asian American community here in Oklahoma. 


aKDPhi sisters volunteer their time and talents across their communities, adding value to their universities while developing an interest and competency in civic engagement.


Each year, aKDPhi at the University of Oklahoma hosts Breastfest, a month long event dedicated to raising money and awareness for breast cancer. Throughout October, Chi Chapter holds educational events, bake sales, benefit nights, and a male pageant, Mr. Pink. Mr. Pink was first introduced here at Chi Chapter in order to raise awareness about breast cancer in men and consists of performances by their talented contestants as well as a raffle drawing with amazing prizes. 

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