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"Opportunity for Wisdom, Wisdom for Culture"

Sigma Lambda Beta's mission is to nurture and further a dynamic, values-based environment that utilizes our historically Latino-based fraternity as a catalyst to better serve the needs and wants of all people.



Many of our members will tell you that Brotherhood is the main reason why they joined Sigma Lambda Beta. On the collegiate level, our chapters provide a support system and a home away from home for our men. These bonds extend even further as Brothers transition into Alumni and continue lifelong friendships.

Community Service

We believe in bettering our community, our country, and the world. Sigma Lambda Beta's national philanthropy is the Victor Correa CPR Awareness Day. Our chapters also pursue charitable acts for the areas they are involved with.


The pursuit of a college education is of the utmost importance to our fraternity. Our Brothers have to maintain a minimum GPA in order to remain active. We encourage our Brothers to pursue postgraduate degrees and many have done so in a variety of fields

Cultural Awareness

Our Brothers come from a variety of backgrounds and as a fraternity, we wish to disseminate our rich culture which we all share.

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